Visia Skin Analysis

VISIA is a digital imaging system for evaluating skin on the surface and sub-surface levels. By analyzing the results, our providers can create a custom skin care routine that addresses your specific goals and needs.

Not sure if VISIA is worth it? Here’s a taste of what VISIA Complexion Analysis can uncover:

UV Spots: Sunburn fades after a few days, but hidden sun damage can last far longer. UV spots develop below the skin when melanin coagulates after experiencing sun damage. These blemishes are generally invisible in normal lighting conditions.

Porphyrins: Porphyr-what? You might not have even heard of this important skin care metric. Porphyrins are bacterial components that can clog your pores and lead to acne. If VISIA Complexion Analysis locates a high percentage of porphyrins, that’s a sign you may need to step up your cleansing game.

Wrinkles: Sure, you can see wrinkles on your face on your own. But do you know how many wrinkles you have compared with others your age? VISIA Complexion Analysis will provide you with that data, allowing you to make educated decisions for your skin’s health as you grow older.

Skin Tone and Color: VISIA will quantify your skin’s smoothness by detecting graduations in color and texture. Additionally, the analysis will identify spots and lesions on the skin, such as freckles, hyper-pigmentation, acne, and Rosacea.

Enlarged Pores: Pores are small openings in your skin that contain the glands that produce skin oils. We all have pores and that’s a good thing! However, enlarged pores can lead to blackheads and acne. VISIA will reveal enlarged pores so you will know if you should focus on pore-minimizing treatments.

Interested in receiving a VISIA Complexion Analysis? Call us at 405-456-0759 for your free, one-hour consultation. No obligation-just information and education.

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Office Hours

Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Closed Sat - Mon

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