Chemical Peels in Oklahoma City, OK

Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin to make skin smoother, reduce scarring and remove blemishes. Ranging from mild to strong, there are three types of chemical peels: alphahydroxy acid (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol. The strength of each peel is tailored to the patient. Peels can be combined with other procedures, such as facelifts, for additional improvement to skin. Chemical peels may be covered by insurance if they are performed for medical rather than cosmetic reasons.

Chemical peels are performed in a plastic surgeon's or dermatologist's office, or an outpatient surgical center. Anesthesia is not required because TCA and phenol have anesthetic properties, and AHA produces only a slight stinging.

Types of Peels

The Perfect Derma Peel

The Perfect Derma™ Peel is safe, effective medium depth peel for All Skin Types & Ethnicities. This product is virtually painless, with no pre-peel skin preparation and little downtime. The Perfect Derma™ Peel is the only peel that includes the powerful antioxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles. 


  • Improve the overall clarity, tone and texture of the skin
  • Reduce or eliminate hyperpigmentation, sun damage and Melasma
  • Improve acneic skin conditions and reduce acne scars
  • Stimulate the production of collagen, resulting in firmer, more youthful skin
  • Reduce the appearance of pore size

Ingredients: TCA, Retinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Kojic Acid, Phenol, Glutathione and Vitamin C


BioRePeel, a revolutionary 35% TCA chemical peel that does NOT make you peel.
Transform your skin from the inside out with the BioRePeel as it surpasses the epidermis and penetrates deeper to the sub-dermal layers. This peel starts at the origin of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, acne, skin pigmentations and more- all the TCA benefits without the pain or peel!

Chemical Peel Procedure

During a TCA or phenol peel, the skin is cleansed and the solution is applied, which may cause a brief stinging sensation. Petroleum jelly or a waterproof adhesive tape may be put on the skin following a phenol peel. During an AHA peel, the skin is cleansed and the solution applied; there is no need for post-peel ointment or covering.

Side Effects of Chemical Peels

A phenol or TCA peel can result in tingling or throbbing, reddened skin, a crust or scab, and significant swelling that lasts, depending on the strength of the peel used, about a week. With a phenol peel, eyes may be swollen shut at first, and the patient may be put on a liquid diet and advised to keep talking to a minimum. Any tape used is removed after a day or two. AHA peels can cause temporary stinging, redness and irritation, as well as flaking or crusting. After a chemical peel, it is essential that the skin be protected from the sun.

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Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Closed Sat - Mon

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